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Close Today's Most Read Monumental Forgotten Gardens of Petra Rediscovered After 2,000 Years Clinton Tells Netanyahu She's Against UN Imposing Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Over 70 American Intellectuals Call for 'Targeted Boycott' of Israeli Settlements China Reportedly Cracks Down on Ancient Jewish Community of Kaifeng Trump Tells Netanyahu: If Elected, U.S. But the book's wide dissemination and the enthusiastic endorsements of prominent rabbis have spotlighted what might have otherwise remained an isolated commentary. The Shin Bet, Israel's domestic security agency, suspects five of those arrested were involved in the torching and vandalizing of a Palestinian mosque last month in the neighboring Palestinian village of Yasuf. We are sorry Page was not found !!. Because that “crescent” failed to organically materialize in the rest of the “arc of crisis” after the Islamic revolution in Iran was brilliantly seeded by increasing the SAVAK's oppression upon the people of Iran (80 percent Shia Muslims), the soil for it to healthyly germinate and percolate has been fertilized in the blood of the Shia Muslims of Pakistan so that they too will be forced to create what nature alone could not fashion.

I will humbly further suggest that the clincher empirical proof that morality and intellect are separate entities, that morality is primarily rooted in feelings rather than in the intellect, is that had ordinary people simply retained even an iota of humanity in them, even a tiny feeling of empathy for the suffering of fellowman, for their own natural tribe of mankind, then, instead of intellectually watching the decimation of their own kith and kin all unfold on television looking from the side, at best going tsk tsk, and at worst cheering, we would have collectively marched in formation and forcibly neutered all the hectoring hegemons now so boldly munching on their victims no differently than the lowly wildebeest and buffaloes do against the hectoring hegemons of their jungle! And no scientist in the universe can argue with a straight face that the poor buffaloes who feel the pain so immensely for their own humble kith and kin as depicted in the video below, are a very cognitive species a fact also brazenly recognized by our own hectoring hegemons which is perhaps why they work so assiduously on desensitizing our feelings of empathy for our fellowman, including for our ownselves, by continually bringing us all the manufactured Hollywood violence and other baser entertainment: End Source URL: PDF: Morality derived from the Intellect leads to Enslavement! By Zahir Ebrahim This entry was posted in Bertrand Russell, Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory, Leo Strauss, Masters of the world, Morality derived from the Intellect leads to Enslavement! Part-I By Zahir Ebrahim, Nietzsche, On Jews Becoming the Masters of the World The Coronation of Hashem from the Torah, Secular humanism, The King's Torah, Thou Shall Not Kill, zahir-ebrahim, Zionism on October 29, 2010 by humanbeingsfirst. It is not assumed that anyone, Jew or non-Jew, would spare the other side at the cost of his own in any conflict.Ironically, for the terror groups that attack Israel, there is no question whether it is permitted to kill Jewish civilians; it is an integral part of their strategy. Scroll back Scroll forward skip - . Must Reads Scroll back One Impossible Burger Before Dinner: Meats Vegan Future Did Trump Just Short-shrift Netanyahu? China Reportedly Cracks Down on Ancient Jewish Community of Kaifeng The Syrian Stain on Obama's Legacy Monumental Gardens of Petra Rediscovered, Including the King's Water Park New in Haifa, Tel Aviv Hipsters 'Live a Life of Coexistence' Gunman Kills Jordanian Writer Before Trial Over Cartoon Over 70 American Intellectuals Call for 'Targeted Boycott' of Israeli Settlements Israelis Can't Recognize Terrorism Staring Back at Them From the Mirror Following Haaretz Report: Tel Aviv Concert Excluding Female Performers Canceled Gideon Levy We Must Recognize That Netanyahu Is Right U.S. Not to be outdone by atheists in defining their own super-morality with their uber-intellect, gods chosen theists can even outdo that with learned confabulations become god themselves: & The point is that a Jew has strength, ability and power to create the desire within G-d to accept and become King over the entire creation. skip - . After all, for this we have the Geneva Convention.Who needs more? But can it really be dismissed as a fringe phenomenon of the extreme Right? As people who hate non-Jews for racist reasons and seek to bend Jewish law in order to eke out permission to kill them? A closer look reveals that we are not facing a book on hashkafa outlook or ideology which is often in the eye of the beholder. And as evidence that this hegelian mind fck isnt just some historical baggage which happened in the Dark Ages with no bearing to modernity, here is the latest version of the Law Book of Israel: The Kings Torah: For additional examples of this ongoing hegelian mind fck, please see: Fundamentally, the problems outlined by lwtc247 have been long solved philosophically, i.e., by using the intellect. Co-author Elitzur wrote an article in a religious bulletin a month after the book's release saying that "the Jews will win with violence against the Arabs." In 2003, the head of the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, was charged by then-Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein with incitement to racism for authoring a book calling Arabs a "cancer." In 2006-2007, the Israeli Ministry of Education gave about a quarter of a million dollars to the yeshiva, and in 2007-2008 the yeshiva received about $28,000 from the American nonprofit Central Fund of Israel. Hence the trash that newspapers are capable of serving up is of little danger–much less of importance–to the members of the third group of readers.

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